Sidebar extension


The Sidebar component is an expandable and collapsible container area that holds primary and secondary information placed alongside the main content of a webpage.


The sidebar extension is defined of several different components:

  • Sidebar main sidebar component
    • SidebarContent container for the sidebar brand and navigation
      • SidebarBrand brand logo or link located in the sidebar header
      • SidebarNavigation container for the sidebar navigation items
        • SidebarLabel simple label to separate navigation items
        • SidebarItem navigation item that holds the link or subitems
          • SidebarLink navigation link
          • SidebarSubItem container for sidebar child items



Install sidebar extension from NuGet.

Install-Package Blazorise.Sidebar


In your main Imports.razor add:

@using Blazorise.Sidebar

Static files

Include CSS link into your index.html or _Host.cshtml file, depending if you’re using a Blazor WebAssembly or Blazor Server side project.

<link href="_content/Blazorise.Sidebar/blazorise.sidebar.css" rel="stylesheet" />


When defining a sidebar structure you can chose between manual or dynamic building. Please note that you cannot combine both of them so you have to chose the one that suits you best.


When building your sidebar manually you have full control of it’s content and navigation item. You can combine every sidebar component as you wish.

<Sidebar @ref="sidebar">
            <a href="">Blazorise Sidebar</a>
                <SidebarLink To="" Title="Home">
                    <Icon Name="IconName.Home" Margin="Margin.Is3.FromRight" />Home
                <SidebarLink Toggled="(isOpen)=> mailSidebarSubItems.Toggle(isOpen)" IsShow="true">
                    <Icon Name="IconName.Mail" Margin="Margin.Is3.FromRight" />Email
                <SidebarSubItem @ref="mailSidebarSubItems" IsShow="true">
                        <SidebarLink To="email/inbox">Inbox</SidebarLink>
                        <SidebarLink To="email/compose">Compose Email</SidebarLink>
                    @* other subitems *@
                <SidebarLink Toggled="(isOpen)=> appsSidebarSubItems.Toggle(isOpen)" IsShow="true">
                    <Icon Name="IconName.Smartphone" Margin="Margin.Is3.FromRight" />Apps
                <SidebarSubItem @ref="appsSidebarSubItems" IsShow="true">
                        <SidebarLink To="apps/todo">Todo List</SidebarLink>

    Sidebar sidebar;
    SidebarSubItem mailSidebarSubItems;
    SidebarSubItem appsSidebarSubItems;

    void ToggleSidebar()


You can also build sidebar dynamically by using the Data attribute and the SidebarInfo class. The SidebarInfo is fully serializable so you can save it to an external source or database.

<Sidebar Data="@sidebarInfo" />

    Sidebar sidebar;
    SidebarInfo sidebarInfo = new SidebarInfo
        Brand = new SidebarBrandInfo
            Text = "Blazorise Demo"
        Items = new List<SidebarItemInfo>
            new SidebarItemInfo { To = "", Text = "Dashboard" },
            new SidebarItemInfo
                Text = "Email",
                Icon = IconName.Mail,
                SubItems = new List<SidebarItemInfo>
                    new SidebarItemInfo { To = "email/inbox", Text = "Inbox" },
                    new SidebarItemInfo { To = "email/compose", Text = "Compose Email" },
            new SidebarItemInfo
                Text = "Applications",
                SubItems = new List<SidebarItemInfo>
                    new SidebarItemInfo { To = "apps/todo", Text = "Todo List" }