

Table displays information in a way that’s easy to scan, so that users can look for patterns and insights. They can be embedded in primary content, such as cards.


  • <Table> the main container
    • <TableHeader> the optional top part of the table
      • <TableRow> header row
        • <TableHeaderCell> a header cell
    • <TableFooter> the optional bottom part of the table
    • <TableBody> the main content of the table
      • <TableRow> each table row
        • <TableRowHeader> a table cell heading
        • <TableRowCell> a table cell



            <TableHeaderCell>First Name</TableHeaderCell>
            <TableHeaderCell>Last Name</TableHeaderCell>
            <TableRowCell>the Bird</TableRowCell>


<Table Striped="true">


<Table Hoverable="true">


<Table Bordered="true">


<Table Borderless="true">

Small table

<Table Narrow="true">

Light header

  <TableHeader ThemeContrast="ThemeContrast.Light">

Dark header

  <TableHeader ThemeContrast="ThemeContrast.Dark">

Fixed Header

  <TableHeader FixedHeader="true" FixedHeaderTableHeight="300px">

Scroll To a Row Or Pixel Offset

  <TableHeader @ref="@tableRef" FixedHeader="true" FixedHeaderTableHeight="300px">
private Task ScrollToRow()
    => tableRef.ScrollToRow( 1 ).AsTask();

private Task ScrollToPixels()
    => tableRef.ScrollToPixels( 250 ).AsTask();


Name Type Default Description
FullWidth boolean false Makes the table to fill entire horizontal space.
Striped boolean false Adds stripes to the table.
Bordered boolean false Adds borders to all the cells.
Hoverable boolean false Adds a hover effect on each row.
Borderless boolean false Table without any borders.
Narrow boolean false Makes the table more compact by cutting cell padding in half.
Responsive boolean false Makes table responsive by adding the horizontal scroll bar.
FixedHeader boolean false Makes table have a fixed header and enables a scrollbar in the table body.
FixedHeaderTableHeight string 300px Sets the table height when FixedHeader feature is enabled (defaults to 300px).
Resizable boolean false Defines whether users can resize Table’s columns.
ResizeMode TableResizeMode Header Defines the resize mode of the Table’s columns.