Card component


The card component comprises several elements that you can mix and match:

  • <Card>
    • <CardHeader>
    • <CardImage>
    • <CardBody>
      • <CardTitle>
      • <CardSubtitle>
      • <CardText>
    • <CardFooter>
  • <CardGroup>
  • <CardDeck>



    <CardImage Source="/assets/images/gallery/9.jpg" Alt="Placeholder image">
        <CardTitle Size="5">Card title</CardTitle>
            Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.
        <Button Color="Color.Primary">Button</Button>

Card Deck

A set of equal width and height cards that aren’t attached to one another.

        <CardImage Source="/assets/images/gallery/9.jpg" Alt="Card image cap 3"></CardImage>
            <CardTitle Size="5">Card title 1</CardTitle>
                This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.
            <Button Color="Color.Primary">Button</Button>
        <CardImage Source="/assets/images/gallery/9.jpg" Alt="Card image cap 9"></CardImage>
            <CardTitle Size="5">Card title 2</CardTitle>
                This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.
            <Button Color="Color.Primary">Button</Button>
        <CardImage Source="/assets/images/gallery/9.jpg" Alt="Card image cap 12"></CardImage>
            <CardTitle Size="5">Card title 3</CardTitle>
                This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This card has even longer content than the first to show that equal height action.
            <Button Color="Color.Primary">Button</Button>



Name Type Default Description
WhiteText boolean false Sets the white text when using the darker background.
Background Background None Sets the bar background color.


Name Type Default Description
Color TextColor None Sets the text color.
Alignment TextAlignment Left Sets the text alignment.
Transform TextTransform None Sets the text transformation.
Weight TextWeight None Sets the text weight.
Italic bool false Italicize text if set to true.


Name Type Default Description
Size int? null Number from 1 to 6 that defines the title size where the smaller number means larger text.
Color TextColor None Sets the text color.
Alignment TextAlignment Left Sets the text alignment.
Transform TextTransform None Sets the text transformation.
Weight TextWeight None Sets the text weight.
Italic bool false Italicize text if set to true.


Name Type Default Description
Size int 6 Number from 1 to 6 that defines the subtitle size where the smaller number means larger text.
Color TextColor None Sets the text color.
Alignment TextAlignment Left Sets the text alignment.
Transform TextTransform None Sets the text transformation.
Weight TextWeight None Sets the text weight.
Italic bool false Italicize text if set to true.
Name Type Default Description
Source string null Link URL.
Alt string null Alternative link text.


Name Type Default Description
Source string null Image URL.
Alt string null Alternative image text.