v0.9.4 - patch 3 release notes


The time for another set of bug fixes is here.

One of the most critical issues was again connected to the DataGrid validation process which has proven to be very nasty to fix. It took us a little longer than expected but we finally managed to do it. As a result, RecursiveObjectActivator is now working quite nicely and we already see some new features that will be possible to do with it in the future :)

David was also able to do some optimization with data-annotation validations that we failed to predict before the 0.9.4 release. So all is good now I hope.

While not critical, the bug fixes for the other issues are still welcome and are making 0.9.4 much more stable. The complete list of all changes in this release can be seen below.

Change Log

  • #2768 RecursiveObjectActivator: Cyclic Object Traversal
  • #2754 Problem with Layout After Blazorise Update
  • #2769 Dropdown toggled-event stops working the second time you open the dropdown
  • #2779 Modal Error - Cannot read property ‘style’ of null at Object.resetAdjustments
  • #2785 DataGrid begin edit
  • #2777 Unable to display manually display validation errors using inline editor of DataGrid
  • #2702 Modal dialog moves content
  • #2795 Value is not recognizable for disabled radio buttons
  • #2784 NumericEdit ValidationError doesn´t work
  • #2783 Remove instruction to include DataGrid CSS (PR)