v0.9.1 - patch 1 release notes

There’s no too many changes in this patch, but there were some critical issues that needed to be handled.

  • The first one is the bug on vertical Bar component for server-side Blazor project when renderMode is set to RenderMode.ServerPrerendered. We have by accident called JSInterop from OnInitializedAsync instead of in OnAfterRenderAsync.

  • I have no idea how I missed this one. Apparently, xs breakpoint was deprecated from Bootstrap long time ago. Thanks to report from @Remy-Be I realized my mistake and quickly fixed the issue.

Bug fixesPermalink

  • #1026 Bar issue with Server-Side pre-rendering
  • #1030 Role=”TextRole.Email” cashes Validation
  • #1044 Autocomplete, define the type=”search” of TextEdit
  • #1045 Bootstrap 4.5.0 - ColumnSize=”ColumnSize.Is12.OnMobile” still use ‘col-xs-12’ (deprecated)


  • #1032 Fixes for DataGrid manual data read behavior
  • #1027 fix: Server-Side pre-rendering issue with Bar calling JSInterop

Closing NotesPermalink

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