Time component


A native time field example with type="time".

<TimeEdit TValue="TimeSpan?" />


With bind attribute

By using bind-* attribute the selected time will be automatically assigned to the member variable.

<TimeEdit TValue="TimeSpan?" @bind-Time="@selectedTime" />

    TimeSpan? selectedTime;

With event

When using the event TimeChanged, you also must define the Time value attribute.

<TimeEdit TValue="TimeSpan?" Time="@selectedTime" TimeChanged="@OnTimeChanged" />

    TimeSpan? selectedTime;

    void OnTimeChanged( TimeSpan? Time )
        selectedTime = Time;


Name Type Default Description
Time TimeSpan? null Gets or sets the input time value.
TimeChanged event   Occurs when the time has changed.
Pattern string null The pattern attribute specifies a regular expression that the input element’s value is checked against on form submission.
Placeholder string null Sets the placeholder for the empty time.
Autofocus bool false Set’s the focus to the component after the rendering is done.
Step int 60 The step attribute specifies the legal number intervals for seconds or milliseconds in a time field (does not apply for hours or minutes).